Improvement / Clean Up Day
Neighborhood Improvement/CleanUp Day Vacant Lots On Yorkshire 5900-6000 Block

Home Garden Tour
The 2024 East English Village Garden Tour
“Trying New Things”
August 13, 1-4:30 pmSponsored by the EEV Garden Club & the EEV Neighborhood Association.
The theme of the 15th annual East English Village Garden Tour is “Trying New Things”. Four of the eight gardens on the tour are brand new gardens this year! Many of our gardeners tried adding more Michigan native plants to their landscape this year as awareness grows about the importance of pollinator plants in our ecosystem. Others experimented with plants that they were given by neighbors or found on sale somewhere. There are gardens that have been evolving over decades, and some are brand new this year. You are going to love the results! You’ll see some classically landscaped gardens and some non-traditional wildflower and native plant gardens. All beautiful and inspirational.

East English Village Yard Sale
The Neighborhood Yard Sale will be held on August 3-4 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Homes have already signed up to sell antiques, furniture (vintage and new), books, appliances, tools, paintings, clothing, and much more throughout the neighborhood.

EEV Spring Fling
Starting off our year of social events will be the EEV Spring Fling at BOGARTZ.
We will have appetizers included for a $10 reservation per person. All are welcome!
Please get your ticket at our website
EEV Monthly Meeting
Join us this month with our guest speaker Alvin Horhn, Deputy CFO/Assessor of Detroit. He will be discussing our property taxes. Please send your questions in advance to presiden@eastenglishvillage.org
The entire meeting will be dedicated to the PROPERT TAX subject.

EEV Garden Tour
The EEV Annual Garden Tour is happening on Sunday, August 13, 2023 from 1:30-4:30 PM. Tickets are $10 donation and can be purchased online at eastenglishvillage.org on Donations page or on the day of the event. The donation will go to our fundraising for updating and replacing our neighborhood signs. If you can not afford $10 please give what you can.
Tour brochures can be picked up at 5060 Bishop, the first garden on the tour. Nine gardens are featured in this self-guided tour.
The theme is “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”. There will be a number of gardens that have been influenced or include ideas and plants from their neighbors. The tour will highlight naturalized gardens, traditional flower gardens as well as entertainment spaces.

EEV Social @ Bogarts
Come join us for the EEV February Social at BOGARTS
Feb 23rd 6-9pm
This ticket is a reservation to attend the event only. Cash Bar, dinner on your own. Includes appetizers.

EEV General Meeting
Join us for our monthly resident meeting.
Catch up with news, upcoming events and new neighbors.
We meet in the basement of the athletic center in Mr B’s room.

EEV Winter Social
Brighten the dark days of winter and catch up with friends and neighbors at Alma Kitchen, Thursday, January 26th from 6-9 pm. Come have a cocktail or even stay for dinner. Appetizers provided (cash bar and other menu items available for purchase).
Please purchase your tickets by January 24th. (Link to square)